
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Sil is a lot of things to a lot of people, Shes is a loving partner to Tony, a mum and writer, and a modern philosopher, she likes to tackle the heavy subjects with an alternative point of view - she solidly believes in humanity and the fragility that is the precipice we find ourselves standing on as a species at this moment in time - I think she has a great point of view and worth thinking about, and if not acting on - especially outside the slow-moving walls of Governance and big business and corporate media.
I hope you enjoy our yarn

Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Molly is an unassuming powerhouse and just what the world needs more of, I meet Molly and her bestie Freya on a surf trip to King Island, They had just finished a Lap of Tassie surfing and exploring and were doing a trip to KI with King Island surf Safaries, before heading west on the mainland when our paths crossed.
Their good vibes and cavalier approach left me scratching my head a few times - I think I was once more like this ??!!!! What the hell happened.... I was inspired and it left me wondering about where my energy and thoughts are being directed sometimes! It's just a choice isn't it? or does getting older just wear you down? Or maybe sometimes you just need a reminder
The more I learned about Molly I just couldn't believe the things she'd achieved in a short space of time ---- Hey Mol umm would you like to be a guest on my Podcast !
I hope you enjoy our chat

Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
In this episode of the Horses Mouth I had the good fortune of speaking with Local legend Xavier Huxtable, Xav is such a great guy, don't let his chill demeanor fool you he obviously gets white line fever - whether he's pulling on a contest jersey or a pair of footy boot's you better be bringing your A-game Xav is the real deal. He's currently on the World Qualifying circuit and looking for big fish and a long career - I cant wait to see him on the main stage WCT

Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
This Horses mouth I had the pleasure of chatting to Silas Hickey, Silas has had an amazing life from being a surfing grommet here on the coast to currently having an Animation concept and development studio in Japan called Custom Nuts, He's grounded humble, and funny as fuck - for someone who recently held the title Senior Director, Asia Pacific Animation Development, Turner International Asia Pacific; we've been communicating for a while through covid lockdown - and I'm honored he made the effort to swing by on his brief visit back to Australia.
Hope you enjoy our Chat

Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Anita is one of those amazing people, has a real glint in her eye - works hard always stoked in and out of the water, always has time for a chat and notices the beauty in the natural world, and often points it out which I love!
In this chat we arc through her life and she walks us through a challenge that is everyone's worse nightmare, but with the love and support of her family and her tenacity and love of life and great medical support, she lives to tell the tale.
Thanks for coming around and sharing Anita : )

Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Taylor is a modern man with old school values, he's transformed his life through travel and experience, he's a journeyman who loves the adventure and consistently asks himself and others what's next and are you following your heart, he realizes in the end life's short - Why not ! if your not happy dig a little deeper - I hope you enjoy our ark through Taylor's experience thus far.

Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Finn Barry is a family man / Watermen / Bat outta hell, all-round good egg having a crack - Adventurer and lover of all things outdoors. Part of the Patagonia family and he wears it well - certainly an ambassador of the live and love life!
Go Finn

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Welcome to another episode of the Horses Mouth, This episode I had the good fortune of talking to my friend Amber, who said yes to a chat if I kept her name anonymous - which I can totally get on board with, she really lays out her Journey into Adulthood which really isn't for the faint-hearted, it's not a linear life - from Gymnastics and associated pressures to hospitals, beating addiction, sex work and back to school, as I write this think there is a book of a movie in Ambers story.
Amber thanks for sharing

Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Jim Allen is a one out of the box Fisherman's fisherman, for as long as he's been breathing air it seems to have been about fishing, but not only is it fishing Jim has an air about him, a twinkle in his eye a zest for life you might say, that has him a warm no bullshit good for a laugh kind of Demeanor, He's lived and breathed fishing so much that he's been given an Order of Australia medal ( OAM ) no small feat, they are nor exacting giving these things away for a 100k Instagram followers, he earned this honor for his contribution to protecting natural fish habitats and the protection of wild fish of Australia, so you and your kids can enjoy what he grew up enjoying at a time when Australia was a different place it is today.
It was a pleasure to meet Jim and have a coffee and shoot the breeze over many topics on and off the microphone. I hope you enjoy Jim's story.

Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
This Episode I had the good fortune of chatting with Morgan Rossiter, Morgan is a player but not in the sense you might think, she is behind the scenes working at helping push our world in the direction it needs to go in the energy sector, an Energy - Climate change kinda player, she's worked for BP since University and it a job that's taken her all over the map, She's finishing her Masters at Monash University in Environment and sustainability and is an ambassador at One Young World which is an organization working towards achieving the united nations sustainable development goals. She's certainly inside the belly of the beast!
Hope you enjoy our chat